IATA Course

IATA Course General Objectives The objective of the IATA Course is for participants to become familiar with the contents of the IATA Hazardous Goods Regulations and identify all types of hazardous goods and their risks. Modality Virtual and In-Person Certification Participants who meet the minimum required hourly intensity (90% abendance) and have a course grade … Leer más

Clinical Research Coordinators Course.

Clinical Research Coordinators Course. THE NEXT COURSE: November 2023 Introduction Asynchronous virtual conferences with professors with recognized experience in the field of clinical research, and synchronous virtual workshops with faculty moderators. Intended for Health professionals, such as nurses, bacteriologists, physical therapists, psychologists, nutriWonists, and others. It includes the Good Clinical Practices Course Duration 1 month … Leer más

Course on Good Clinical Practices

Course on Good Clinical Practices Introduction A good clinical practice is an international standard of ethical and scientific quality for designing, conducting, performing, monitoring, auditing, recording, analyzing and reporting clinical studies that involve the participation of human subjects. This model makes sure the reported data and results are credible and accurate, and that the rights, … Leer más