IATA Course
General Objectives
The objective of the IATA Course is for participants to become familiar with the contents of the IATA Hazardous Goods Regulations and identify all types of hazardous goods and their risks.
Virtual and In-Person
Participants who meet the minimum required hourly intensity (90% abendance) and have a course grade of no less than 80/100 will be certified.
- Virtual: From December 4 to 6
- In person: From December 18 to 20
Para inscripciones masivas por favor enviar un email a asistente.acic@gmail.com solicitando el formato DGM ACIC.
The training offered by DGM includes:
- Training can be virtual or face-to-face
- Provision of a manual for each participant in the current edition of the course, which is used for constant consultation during the course.
- Printed study material comprising the workshop with practical exercises, addressing crucial topics for the development of the activities related to the certification process as a specialist in this category.
- Digital Certification, for participants who meet the minimum standards established for this purpose, with the respective list of attendance and grades obtained.
Virtual Platform
Access our platform where you will be able to purchase and start our virtual courses.